White Noise Reverse Alarm
A White Noise Reverse Alarm is a device to warn anyone in a vehicle’s path that is moving backwards.
The purpose of using white noise in reverse alarms is to provide a more subtle and less intrusive auditory warning compared to the sharp, piercing beeps of traditional alarms. By emitting a continuous, non-directional sound, white noise reverse alarms help to reduce noise pollution while still effectively notifying individuals in the vicinity of a vehicle’s movement.
The continuous, ambient sound of white noise is less disruptive and annoying compared to the intermittent beeping of traditional alarms, making it more suitable for us in noise-sensitive environments such as residential areas or hospitals.
The rear blind spot is a huge problem regardless of the vehicle. With 90% of these reversing accidents occurring off-road (loading bays, lorry parks, quarry sites, warehouses etc) there has never been a greater necessity to carry out effective risk-assessments of reversing processes.
Technical Specification:
- Volts: 12/24
- dB level: 83 or 88db
- Frequency: Speech
- Current: 0.50mA
Overall, White Noise Reverse Alarms offer a more environmentally friendly and socially considerate alternative to traditional reverse alarms, striking a balance between safety and noise reduction in urban and residential settings. However, like any safety device, it’s essential for vehicle operators and fleet managers to ensure that they meet relevant regulations and effectively communicate the intended warning to pedestrians and nearby vehicles.
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