Rhino KammBar Lock Barrels and Keys
Rhino KammBar Lock Barrels and Keys are security accessories designed for KammBar roof racks. These lock barrels and keys help secure the roof rack to prevent unauthorised removal or tampering.
They enhance the security of your KammBar roof rack system. The KammBar foot packs or mounting points have lock barrels installed, and the keys secure and unlock the barrels. They provide an additional layer of protection against theft or unauthorised access to the roof rack and the items being carried.
Specifically designed for use with KammBar roof racks, Lock Barrels and Keys. They should be compatible with the corresponding locking mechanisms on the KammBar foot packs or mounting points.
Installation typically involves replacing the existing lock barrels on the KammBar foot packs or mounting points. Usually, people thread the lock barrels and can easily install them by screwing them into place. The keys then lock and unlock the barrels.
These locks provide a secure locking mechanism for your roof rack. Typically, manufacturers make them from durable materials like steel or hardened plastic to resist tampering and ensure longevity. The keys have a unique design, providing an added level of security to prevent unauthorised duplication.
The lock barrels typically come with multiple keys for convenience and backup. It’s important to keep the keys in a safe place and manage them responsibly. In case of lost or misplaced keys, it may be possible to obtain replacements.
Rhino recommends following any additional security measures and guidelines they provide for the protection of your roof rack.
Suitable for KammBar Fleet or KammBar Pro.
Available in 2, 3 or 4 pairs.
2 Pairs = 4 Lock barrels and keys
3 Pairs = 6 Lock barrels and keys
4 Pairs = 8 Lock barrels and keys
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Supplied by Rhino Products.
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