The accessories which ensure a vehicle is deemed, by the government, to be safe to work on public highways are commonly called Chapter 8. This refers to Chapter 8 of the government’s ‘Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations’ (2009) which dictates how a vehicle should appear to ensure it is adequately visible to other road users.
This references two main aspects of a vehicle; Conspicuity and Roof-Mounted Beacons. Firstly, in regards to conspicuity, it states;
O5.2.1 Any vehicle engaged in works on the highway not in an established works zone should be of a conspicuous colour.
O5.2.2 Subject to the specific requirements of the following sections, any works vehicles that are used to protect the workforce or form part of the signing of the works should be of conspicuous colour and appropriate marking. This is particularly important for that part of the vehicle visible to drivers and prescribed as part of any sign mounted on the vehicle.
O5.2.3 In addition, on high-speed roads, all vehicles stopping on the highway for works purposes or inspections shall be equipped with high visibility rear markings. High visibility rear markings should comprise either:
The markings described in (c) and (d) above should cover as much of the rear-facing portion of the vehicle as possible without obscuring windows, vehicle lighting or registration plates.
Where the main body of the vehicle being used is not a recognised conspicuous colour (yellow or white) then the above markings should be supplemented by a high visibility florescent yellow retroreflective strip, of not less than 50 mm wide, along the side of vehicle as a minimum.
In regards to roof-mounted beacons, to be Chapter 8 compliant, vehicles must abide by the following rules:
O5.3.1 Without prejudice to the specific requirements of the following sections, any vehicle stopping on the highway for works purposes or inspections shall be equipped with either a roof-mounted flashing amber warning light bar (comprising at least two independent light sources) or two independent roof-mounted flashing amber warning beacons, visible through 360°.
O5.3.2 Roof-mounted flashing amber warning beacons must comply with the requirements of the Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations and should also comply with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Regulation 65 on Special Warning Lamps.
O5.3.3 If the main roof-mounted beacon is likely to be obscured from the rear by parts of the vehicle or any equipment carried on the vehicle, additional beacons should be fitted toward the rear of the vehicle where they will remain visible.
O5.3.4 The roof-mounted beacons shall be in use when entering, leaving or moving within the site, when travelling in traffic at less than the general traffic speed, and when stationary on the hard shoulder.
O5.3.5 When stationary within the confines of a fully installed traffic management arrangement, the roof mounted beacons shall be switched off, unless they form part of the guarding of the works, e.g. works on minor roads, or are required for mobile works; see Sections O10 and O11.
O5.3.6 Vehicles engaged on snow clearing, gritting operations or similar work shall display a flashing amber warning beacon at all times when operating.
We can easily cover all Chapter 8 needs for your commercial vehicle fleet. For more information, call us on 0333 200 7244 or email us at