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Why shouldn’t you use WD-40 in your locks?

Why shouldn’t you use WD-40 in your locks?

WD40 is hugely popular across the world, and is used for anything from preventing rust to removing nail polish from surfaces and even removing gum from clothes. But this multi-faceted product has limitations – it should never be used to lubricate locks!

The main reason for this is that WD40 is not a true lubricant; it is a water and oil displacing solvent. This means that it can actually remove any lube already in the lock, leaving it dry and susceptible to sticking. As well as this, using WD40 in a lock can lead to the collection of dust and grime, causing the lock pins to stick.

Instead, you should use the PTFE lubricant manufactured by from Locks4Vans. This lock lube contains no paint damaging silicones and operates at lower temperatures than competitive products. Acting like a non-stick coating for the inner lock mechanism, the PTFE lubricant allows for smoother lock operation while also reducing key wear and inhibiting corrosion.

If you’d like to purchase some Locks4Vans PTFE lubricant for your vehicle’s locks, call us on 0333 200 7244, or email sales@vehicle-accessories.net.

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